Monday, January 4, 2010

MCQS for MRCOG Part-1

MRCOG Part-1

Q1.Actions of insulin include stimulation of:
True / False
1.Glycogenolysis by the liver
2.Cellular uptake of amino acids
3.Entry of glucose into neurons
4.Entry of glucose into adipose tissue
5.Cellular uptake of potassium

Q2 .Regarding the female breast:
True / False
1.It is derived embryologically from endoderm
2.Lies entirely in the superficial fascia.
3.Is drained by the internal thoracic vein
4.Lies between the 2nd and 7th rib.
5.Contans lactiferous ducts in the neonate

Q3.Which of the following biochemical changes typically occur during pregnancy:
True / False
1.Average 15 litre increase in total body water
2.Increase plasma prolactin concentration in the first trimester.
3.Increase plasma urea concentration in the second trimester
4.An average reduction in tidal volume of 100ml
5.An increase in haematocrit in late pregnancy

Q4. Which of the following skull bones are derived from intramembranous ossification?

True / False

Q5. Bacterial vaginosis
True / False
1.Cannot be detected by Gram-staining
2.Can be diagnosed by the finding of clue cells on microscopy
3.Is often asymptomatic
4.Causes a rise in the pH of vaginal secretions
5.Should be treated with metronidazole to help prevent late miscarriage and preterm birth.

Q6. The following are true regarding cyclic AMP:
True / False
1.produced from ATP
2.degraded by phosphodiestrase
3.activates protein kinase C
4.activates STAT 3
5.produced in response to Glucagon.

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