Sunday, January 3, 2010

MCQS for FCPS part-1 Radilogy


1. habitual smoker the epithelium will be
a. continuous stratified sq epi
b. pseudo stratified epi with patches of stratified sq epi has difficulty rising from sitting position but flexion of leg is normal, which musle is involved
b.gluteusmaximus (ans)
c. sartorius

3. thin filament is covered by
a. titin
b. tropomyosin ( ans)
c. troponin t

4.embolism all are true except
a. take place with damage to fat tissue only (ans)
b. trauma to the breast

5.diapgragm doesnot arise from
a. T10(ans)
b. 7th costal cartilage
c.9th rib
d. L1

6. most radiosensitive tumour
a. bone
b. lung
c. lymphnode
d. brain

7. diagnostic criteria for soft tissue tumours
a. pleomorphism
b. mitotic figures
c. increase vascularity

8.which hormone is responsible for fetal brain development
a. growth hormone
b. prolactin
c. thyroid hormone (ans)

9.artery which is adjacent to the phrenic nerve
a. internal thoracic
b. musculophrenic
c. pericardiophrenic (ans)

10.medial quadrant of breast lymph drainage
a. internal thoracic nodes (ans)
b. posterior nodes
c. axillary nodes